When you only have 60 hours to explore an entire island…
Sixty hours is not a lot of time to explore an entire island, even one that only has about 21 square miles. My host was lovely enough to give me a ride to Long Bay beach right before sunrise, on her scooter. I won’t say that it was one of the scariest things I’ve ever done, but certainly quite an experience - scooters are a major way of transportation on the island, glad I was able to take part first hand. My plans were to start exploring with my camera, while my host parked and did her daily swim in the ocean for 20 minutes.
After spending at least an hour there, I simply hiked along the coast to continue my exploration of every little nook and cranny of this beautiful landscape. The ocean, pink sand, limestone rocks, cliffs, large crabs, and jellyfish all made for an interesting coastline. The freedom to wander, take photos, and take in the gorgeous hues of water and sand - honestly felt magical. After a few hours and several miles, I came to Horseshoe Bay Beach where I allowed myself a swimming break - the water was meditative beyond words, and after I found a food place open for lunch.
My journey continued with lots of walking, and discoveries and tons of photos. I walked almost 15 miles that day, only took one local bus when I needed to get across the country. I walked 185 steps to the top of Gibbs Lighthouse, after walking uphill for a half mile, in 80 degrees no less. The view was amazing - although there is only a small railing on top, and I admit I became lightheaded and a little queasy fairly quickly. I had to focus and breathe for a few minutes, just so that I could take a couple photos. There was no way I was going back down without proof I made it to the top haha.
After 13 hours of exploring, I made it back to my host’s place as it was getting dark. It was a Sunday, and I didn’t realize all the places had closed for food. My host took pity on me, as I was starving and sunburnt, and shared her lentil loaf with me. Not sure if it was because I was so hungry, but truly one of the best things I’ve eaten :-)
Travel-Inspiring images from Bermuda for purchase
21 square miles…
I managed to cover a good portion of those while I was there. From the airport to Warwick Beach, back north to the cute cobblestone streets of St. George, Tobacco Bay Beach and then back to Horsheshoe Bay. Spent a few hours exploring the central city of Hamilton as well.